What Restrictions Apply?

Standard tax & fees will be due when placing a reservation. New reservations only. Vouchers are non-refundable.  Gift cards cannot be used to purchase the Future Fun Voucher. Limited Blackout Dates Apply.

Can I purchase a Future Fun Voucher as a gift?

Yes! You will receive a unique booking code by email for each voucher you purchase. You can then forward the email with the unique booking code to your recipient, who will book their visit following the instructions in the email.

When will I receive my unique booking code?

After purchasing a Future Fun Voucher, you will receive a confirmation email almost immediately. That confirmation email will contain a link to “PRINT VOUCHER.” Once you print your voucher, you will find a unique set of numbers under a barcode.

How long will this offer be available?

A limited number of Future Fun Vouchers are available for purchase. In previous promotions, the vouchers completely sold out within a few hours. We would recommend purchasing a voucher as soon as possible if you are able. Remember, once purchased, there is no rush to...